Day against noise: "Deutsche Umwelthilfe" calls for a standard speed limit of 30 km/h in urban areas and a stricter noise limit for cars and motorcycles to combat harmful traffic noise


Constant noise from traffic, loud roars from motorcycles or sports cars: on the International Day Against Noise, the "Deutsche Umwelthilfe" (German Environmental Aid, DHU) is calling on the federal government to clearly prioritize noise protection and better protect those affected. Noise is the second largest environmental cause of health problems after air pollution, but is still massively neglected by politicians. 
My assessment in the DUH press release

Association between air pollution and cardiovascular disease and increased risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm

In Europe, air pollution is mainly due to particulate matter - and is linked to 790,000 additional deaths every year. We have now published another scientific paper on the connections in the renowned European Heart Journal.

"You can see the consequences of noise in the brain and blood vessels"


In many german cities, there is too much noise, shown by investigations of "ZEIT ONLINE"  - with fatal consequences for our health. An interview with Prof. Thomas Münzel about noise research 
article at Zeit Online 

Breathing danger: linking air pollution to cardiovascular disease and increased risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm


Air pollution is a major environmental factor that is closely linked to the development of cardiovascular disease - a leading cause of global morbidity and mortality. In Europe, air pollution is mainly due to particulate matter - and is linked to 790,000 additional deaths every year. We have now published another scientific paper in the renowned European Heart Journal.

Link to EJH-Paper

Vascular dysfunction and arterial
hypertension in experimental celiac disease are mediated by gut-derived inflammation and oxidative stress

EU Air Quality Directive: German Initiative "Deutsche Umwelthilfe" calls for a clear vote from the Federal Government for effective air pollutant limit values ​​in Europe


Until February 20th 2024, EU members and the european parliament want to agree on a new EU guideline for air quality.  The "Deutsche Umwelthilfe " (DUH) follows the negotiations and hits the alarm.

Thomas Münzels quote: “Every day without effective measures to ensure healthy breathing air has massive consequences for people in Europe. As a doctor with a background in cardiology, I know the loss in quality of life and life expectancy caused by high levels of air pollution. I call on the Federal Government to live up to its responsibility for protecting general health and to take a clear stance on stricter air quality standards in Europe and Germany. Only by implementing the WHO recommendations for particulate matter of 5 µg/m3 on an annual average can we prevent 253,000 premature deaths in the European Union every year.”

"These results do not suprise me"

A current report of the "Ärzteblatt" shows: air pollution harms the heart.
Link to Publication  
Article including comment of Prof. Münzel (german only)

Award "Ranzengardist 2024" for Thomas Münzel 


The "Ranzengarde", Mainz' oldest carnival guard, awarded Prof. Münzel with the "Ranzengardist" - a small bronze statue of the Ranzengarde fountain. Prof. Münzel receives the prize for his achievements and his commitment to the hearts of the citizens of Mainz as former director of cardiology of University Medizin of Mainz. 
Every year at the start of the campaign, the guard honors a personality - previous award winners include Bishop Lehmann, Harald Martenstein and Lars Reichow.

Musikalische Generalappell der Ranzengarde 2024 - Thomas Gottfried (

Herzensschützer und Fluglärmgegner: Mainzer Herzspezialist Thomas Münzel mit Ranzengardist ausgezeichnet - Mainz& (


Phase-out of fossil fuels could prevent more than five million deaths 

According to current estimates, the mortality rate from air pollution from fossil fuels is significantly higher than previously thought - a rapid transition to clean renewable energy sources would have a major, positive impact on public health. This has been shown by a new study, co-authored by Prof. Thomas Münzel.

Press Release


Prof. Münzel is among the 15 “Highly Cited Researchers 2023”

This annually honors frequently cited researchers who have demonstrated a significant and far-reaching influence on their field of research. Each selected researcher has authored multiple Highly Cited Papers in the last decade that are ranked in the top 1% by citations for their field and year of publication in the Web of Science™. One in 1,000 scientists worldwide is a “Highly Cited Researcher”.


Editorial concerning the impact of air pollution on out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA)

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